Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a day with a sweet sweet blossom

There has always been a certain level of controversy that surrounds me and therefor that I end up being involved in, business/floral design is no exception. Education is hard to find locally in the floral industry and I crave it. Not only do I crave it, I find it necessary & rejuvenating. This means that I am willing to share my craft & as many of you know, I do. This is a rare found willingness I must say, it also comes with reservations, blink thoughts, and certainly caution, but I think for many years past this idea was more controversial then anyone would admit, but I also see the industry moving in a pleasing direction. I love to teach, I love to learn. I want to be a better florist, business woman, & designer and I am willing to admit that I need avenues of unique practice & other people to help me progress. So on occasion when I am feeling dry, resource-less & needy I go looking for it and then I ask.

Melissa w/Blossom Sweet & I have become acquainted over the last several months through our blogs and UBB, a I greatly admire many things about her art. So I asked for a collaboration educational day that would benefit us both. What a delightful day it was! Two artists whom share passion about the same thing with exceptional talent, enjoying each others strengths and weakness's. We both came away with a breath of fresh rejuvenation. Just what I needed.

Melissa's blog is outstanding and her own images of her work are also likewise. She taught me a few tricks of the photography trade she had figured out to benefit the wicked portfolio industry. {i have to insert here that i have many many photog friends who have helped me a great deal over the years {and you too megan} but i often dont feel like i can continue to bother you with what seems to be such non sense and more often then not i need to learn hands on!} Even though i am sure your sick of pictures of our Grand America Jan wedding I have to show you just a few more. That place is victoriasly beautiful yet really hard to photograph because of lighting and thus images of my work that I shoot {because i cant always rely on the photog} rarely turn out half decent.

a little magic can go a long way.

among many other things we also made bouquets together out of fresh product we picked out together and we discussed methods to our own madness along the way.

product used: button mums, anemone, roses, carnations, lily grass, & french tulips.
above is my bouquet.

below is the two bouquets together :)

{blossom sweet bouquet laying: studio stems bouquet standing}

Melissa - thank you dearly for a spectacular day! For sharing your craft with me & for helping me grow as an artist! I think a floral summit is inevitable ... all you floral friends ... whats your interest level?


Melissa Nickle, Owner of Blossom Sweet said...

Audrey! Loved your generous post about our fun day! I am so grateful to you for putting it together and like you said, it really was an absolute delight. I'll be doing my blog feature on the day soon. Thanks, thanks!

And the inevitable floral summit... yes. This must happen!

Sunni said...

OOOOO I so need more education!!

Brittany said...

I would be interested in a floral summit...I love you work and am always looking for ways to learn more and improve my design skills.

Posh Ideas said...

I would love to do participate in a design summit! I am always looking for some new inspriation and education!

katie said...

I'd make the trek from the mid-west to come play with flowers with such talented ladies :)